Hi, I'm Squiggle
Arrival in Harleston
I moved to Norfolk to be with Trevor and Chris about 8 years ago when I was very young. However, I am aging so quickly that I am now the elder statesman in the home.​ My house is very comfortable, I have plenty of space to run around, and lots of high places on which to sit.
I have very much left my marks on much of our home. Flooring, chairs and beds have been personalised with well placed designer tears. I leave lots of long hair around to remind everyone that I am here. I like to follow my humans around to check that the are safe and enjoy a lap to sit on while I watch TV.
I have a fabulous home in a wonderful town which I share with my humans, Chris and Trevor. Read more about Trevor.
I enjoy refreshing water, and a nice cup of tea without milk or sugar.
Cooperation and negotiation is the best way to achieve positive results.
I successfully worked with South Norfolk and Norfolk County Councils in the delivery of significant investment in Harleston town centre. This money could have gone elsewhere but the Town Council managed to attract long overdue investment into Harleston. We now have a revitalised and vibrant town which is ready for the future. I will press for further investment across our entire Ward.
I am leading 'Harleston Nature Recovery in Harleston' which will help the local area contribute towards the global challenge to protect our environment. However, nature does not recognise parish boundaries, and with your support I will promote this to Needham, Wortwell and a wider audience to put Harleston at the forefront of protecting the environment.
I led the successful creation of 'Team Harleston' which has brought the wonderful local groups and organisations from Harleston closer together under a common banner. Each has their own special branded flag and are now better cooperating on the delivery of local events. With your help we could see this cooperation extended to Needham and Wortwell and include the entire Harleston Ward.
I worked on development of the Harleston Neighbourhood Plan which was delivered in record time. It was highly praised by South Norfolk Council as model for others to follow. The Plan gives the local council a greater share of the money paid by developers when building new housing. I will insist that the policies of the Plan are applied and that the community is involved in the use of significant funds received.
I am working with the District Council on behalf of the Town Council on a new tourism website which will be rolled out to five other towns throughout South Norfolk and Broadlands. This will help attract more visitors to our towns and help improve the local economy. I will ensure that all areas of the Ward are included in the plans.
I have attended the local meetings of the Harleston and District Business Forum to better engage with the Business Community. I introduced a business listing on the Town Council website to promote and update our local businesses. Our business owners understand their businesses better than the local politicians. I will promote the interests of our businesses.